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Abusing WSUS with MITM to perform ADCS ESC8 attack

This ‎article serves‏ ‎as ‎a ‎technical ‎guide ‎on‏ ‎how ‎a‏ ‎combination‏ ‎of ‎network ‎sniffing,‏ ‎MITM ‎attacks,‏ ‎and ‎exploitation ‎of ‎ADCS‏ ‎can‏ ‎lead ‎to‏ ‎significant ‎security‏ ‎breaches, ‎emphasizing ‎the ‎need ‎for‏ ‎robust‏ ‎security ‎measures‏ ‎in ‎network‏ ‎configurations ‎and ‎certificate ‎handling ‎processes.

📌WSUS‏ ‎Configuration‏ ‎and‏ ‎Vulnerability: ‎The‏ ‎article ‎details‏ ‎how ‎a‏ ‎Windows‏ ‎Server ‎Update‏ ‎Services ‎(WSUS) ‎server, ‎configured ‎to‏ ‎work ‎over‏ ‎HTTP,‏ ‎can ‎be ‎exploited.‏ ‎The ‎WSUS‏ ‎server’s ‎protocol ‎configuration ‎is‏ ‎accessible‏ ‎by ‎querying‏ ‎a ‎specific‏ ‎registry ‎key. ‎This ‎setup ‎allows‏ ‎for‏ ‎the ‎potential‏ ‎sniffing ‎of‏ ‎traffic ‎using ‎tools ‎like ‎Wireshark,‏ ‎which‏ ‎can‏ ‎capture ‎the‏ ‎communication ‎between‏ ‎clients ‎and‏ ‎the‏ ‎WSUS ‎server.

📌MITM‏ ‎Attack ‎Execution: ‎The ‎core ‎of‏ ‎the ‎attack‏ ‎involves‏ ‎a ‎Man-in-the-Middle ‎(MITM)‏ ‎approach ‎where‏ ‎an ‎attacker ‎intercepts ‎and‏ ‎relays‏ ‎requests ‎from‏ ‎a ‎client‏ ‎machine ‎to ‎the ‎WSUS ‎server.‏ ‎During‏ ‎this ‎process,‏ ‎the ‎attacker‏ ‎can ‎manipulate ‎the ‎communication ‎to‏ ‎redirect‏ ‎requests‏ ‎to ‎a‏ ‎rogue ‎server‏ ‎or ‎manipulate‏ ‎the‏ ‎responses.

📌ADCS ‎ESC8‏ ‎Exploit: ‎The ‎intercepted ‎communication ‎is‏ ‎then ‎used‏ ‎to‏ ‎facilitate ‎an ‎Active‏ ‎Directory ‎Certificate‏ ‎Services ‎(ADCS) ‎ESC8 ‎attack.‏ ‎This‏ ‎involves ‎relaying‏ ‎the ‎intercepted‏ ‎requests ‎to ‎a ‎Certificate ‎Authority‏ ‎web‏ ‎enrollment ‎page‏ ‎to ‎request‏ ‎a ‎certificate ‎using ‎a ‎compromised‏ ‎computer’s‏ ‎credentials.‏ ‎Successfully ‎executing‏ ‎this ‎attack‏ ‎can ‎allow‏ ‎the‏ ‎attacker ‎to‏ ‎obtain ‎unauthorized ‎certificates ‎that ‎can‏ ‎be ‎used‏ ‎for‏ ‎further ‎attacks ‎within‏ ‎the ‎network.

📌Toolset: PKINITtools‏ ‎and ‎scripts ‎for ‎manipulating‏ ‎Kerberos‏ ‎tickets ‎and‏ ‎exporting ‎them‏ ‎for ‎use ‎in ‎the ‎attack‏ ‎help‏ ‎in ‎extracting‏ ‎and ‎utilizing‏ ‎the ‎credentials ‎from ‎the ‎intercepted‏ ‎traffic‏ ‎to‏ ‎authenticate ‎against‏ ‎the ‎ADCS‏ ‎and ‎request‏ ‎certificates.

📌Security‏ ‎Implications ‎and‏ ‎Recommendations: The ‎attack ‎demonstrates ‎a ‎significant‏ ‎security ‎risk‏ ‎in‏ ‎using ‎unsecured ‎protocols‏ ‎(HTTP) ‎for‏ ‎critical ‎infrastructure ‎like ‎WSUS‏ ‎and‏ ‎ADCS. ‎The‏ ‎article ‎suggests‏ ‎that ‎securing ‎these ‎communications ‎using‏ ‎HTTPS‏ ‎and ‎implementing‏ ‎strict ‎access‏ ‎controls ‎and ‎monitoring ‎could ‎mitigate‏ ‎such‏ ‎attacks.

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